terça-feira, 29 de novembro de 2011

MW3 Emblemas (MW3 Emblems) EM CONSTRUÇÃO

Welcome to Modern Warfare 3
Unlocked at Private (Lv2)
Unlocked at Private First Class (Lv4)
Unlocked at Specialist (Lv7)
Unlocked at Corporal (Lv10)
Unlocked at Sergeant (Lv13)
Unlocked at Staff Sergeant (Lv16)
Unlocked at Sergeant First Class (Lv20)
Unlocked at Master Sergeant (Lv24)
Unlocked at First Sergeant (Lv28)
Unlocked at Sergeant Major (Lv32)
Unlocked at Command Sergeant Major (Lv36)
Unlocked at 2nd Lieutenant (Lv40)
Unlocked at 1st Lieutenant (Lv44)
Unlocked at Captain (Lv48)
Unlocked at Major (Lv52)
unlocked at Lieutenant Colonel (Lv56)
Unlocked at Colonel (Lv60)
Unlocked at Brigadier General (Lv64)
Unlocked at Major General (Lv68)
Unlocked at Lieutenant General (Lv72)
Unlocked at General (Lv76)
Unlocked at Commander (Lv80)
unlocked at Prestige 1
Unlocked at Prestige 2
Unlocked at Prestige 3
Unlocked at Prestige 4
Unlocked at Prestige 5
Unlocked at Prestige 6
Unlocked at Prestige 7
Unlocked at Prestige 8
Unlocked at Prestige 9
Unlocked at Prestige 10

Kill an enemy by dropping a crate on them
Get 1000 kills with a Sentry Gun
Get 1000 kills with a Predator Missile
Get 1000 kills with a Precision Airstrike
Get 1000 kills by calling in Attack Helicopters
Get 1000 kills with a Pavelow
Get 1000 kills with a Stealth Bomber
Prestige 10 emblem mw3Unlocked at Prestige 10
Unlocked at Prestige shop
Unlocked via Call of Duty Elite
Unlocked via Call of Duty Elite

Kill 5 enemies with a single airstrike
Kill multiple enemies with a Semtex stuck to one of them
Shoot down an enemy helicopter
Get the Game Winning Killcam with a Stealth Bomber
Get the Game Winning Killcam with a Precision Airstrike
Get 5 health regenerations from enemy damage in a row, without dying.
Stick a Semtex to the enemy in a Game Winning Killcam
Destroy a car
Kill an enemy that is in mid-air
Deflect 100 explosions with your Riot Shield
Call in an airstrike 2 times in a single match
Get a Game Winning Killcam with a AC-130
Fall 15 feet or more and survive
Absorb 50000 damage with your riot shield
Get 30 assists
Kill 60 enemies through a surface using the impact proficiency
Fire an entire Assault Rifle magazine into your enemies without missing
Hurt an enemy with a primary weapon, then finish them off with a pistol
Fire an entire SMG magazine into your enemies without missing
Fire an entire LMG magazine into your enemies without missing
Kill 30 enemies while you are crouching
Kill 30 enemies while you are prone
Kill someone with a Throwing Knife while flashed or stunned
Get a Payback in the game winning killcam
Fire an entire Sniper magazine into your enemies without missing
Destroy 15 enemy equipment
Get a Predator Missile kill in the Game Winning Killcam
Get a game winning killcam with Sentry Gun
Hurt an enemy then finish them with a Throwing Knife
Kill 10 enemies with thrown back grenades
Get 3 kills in one life with your secondary weapon
Prevent 25 tactical insertions
Get 3 longshots in one life
Get a Game Winning Killcam with an Attack Helicopter
Avenge a fallen teammate
Kill 3 different people with 3 different weapons in one life
Play Team Deathmatch and get the top score overall
Get 200 one-shot kills with sniper rifles
Kill 25 players that spawn using Tactical Insertion
Kill 10 enemies while they are planting a bomb
Defuse 10 Bombs
Kill 10 enemies while they are defusing a bomb
Plant 10 bombs
Be the last man standing in Search and Destroy
Kill 1 enemy while being stunned by a stun grenade
Play an entire full-length match without dying
Kill a bomb carrier in Sabotage or Search and Destroy
Win a Team Hardcore match with the top score
Kill 50 enemies with a headshot while using an assault rifle
Kill 50 enemies with a headshot while using an sub machine gun
Kill 50 enemies with a headshot while using a Light Machine Gun
Crush an enemy from behind.
Fall 30 feet or more to your death
Kill 1 enemy by shooting their own explosive
Get a 3 killstreak with the Riot Shield without dying.
Get a Riot Shield melee kill in the Game Winning Killcam
Get a throwing knife kill in game winning killcam
Kill 15 enemies with the shield melee attack
Headshot 2+ enemies with 1 bullet
Kill 10 enemies by destroying cars
Kill an enemy with a rifle-mounted grenade launcher without detonation. (Direct impact)
Kill 300 Enemies Stunned by your stun grenade
Kill 10 enemies in a single match without dying
Kill the same enemy 5 times in a single match
Kill every member of the enemy team. (4 enemy minimum)
Get all 3 of your pointstreak rewards within 20 seconds
Kill the #1 player on the enemy team 10 times in a single match.
Kill 250 enemies with the knife melee attack.
Kill every member of the enemy team (at least 4 enemies) without dying.
Stab an enemy in the back with your knife
Get Payback 25 times with headshots
Kill an enemy while you are still dazed by a flashbang
Kill 2 or more enemies with a single sniper rifle bullet.
Get a Game Winning Killcam by dropping a crate on the enemy
Get a Final Stand kill in Game Winning Killcam
Get Payback 25 times with Semtex
Play an entire match of any game type with a 5:1 kill/death ratio
Get a Payback that sticks to the victim
Get the match winning kill 20 time(s)
Counter the enemy's UAV 3 times in a single match
Kill the top player 3 times in a row
Kill the top player 5 times in a row
Get a 3 or more kill streak while near death. (Screen flshing red)
Kill 5 enemies with a single Predator Missle.
Kill 100 enemies while in Final Stand
Kill 3 enemies while you are the only surviving member of your team.
Get a 3 melee kill streak without dying
ClassifiedGet 1 kill with C4 while in Final Stand
Get a Payback with a Throwing Knife
Get a 2 kill streak with bullets while in mid-air
Kill the entire enemy team within 10 seconds
Get a knife kill when all of your ammo is empty.
Kill an enemy before they earn a 10 or higher killstreak reward.
Kill 10 enemies with a single killstreak
ClassifiedWin 50 Sabotage matches
Place first, second or third in 10 Free-for-all matches
Win 15 Hardcore TDM games
Win 30 Search and Destory matches
Win 30 Team Deathmatch matches
Kill yourself and 1 enemy by cooking a grenade without throwing it
Call in an Attack Helicopter 2 times in a single match
Get Payback 25 times while in Final Stand
Get a Payback with a Claymore
Kill 20 Enemies by shooting C4
Kill 20 Enemies by shooting a Claymore
Deflect 50,000 bullets with your riot shield
Call in a UAV 3 times in a single match (Assault)
Kill 6 enemeies with a single Stealth Bomber
Kill an enemy by setting off chain reactions of explosives.
Kill 1000 enemies while using a silenced weapon
Finish an enemy off by hitting him with a frag grenade (Direct Impact).
Kill 2 or more enemies with a single claymore, 50 times
Kill 2 or more enemies with a single frag grenade, 50 times
Kill 2 or more enemies with a single RPG shot, 50 times
Finish an enemy off by hitting them with a stun granade.[Direct impact]
Kill 20 enemies with cooked granades
Finish an enemy off by hitting them with a flashbang. (Direct impact)
Kill an enemy by sticking Semtex to a teammate
Get a 5 kill-streak while on a mounted machine gun
Survive for 5 consecutive minutes
Kill and enemy, pick up his weapon, then kill again with his own weapon.
Kill an enemy by using bullet penetration to shoot an explosive through the wall

Sprint 1 miles using Extreme Conditioning
Sprint 80 miles using Extreme
Get 15 Kills using Sleight of Hand
Get 750 kills using Sleight of Hand
Resupply 10 times while using Scavanger
Resupply 500 times while using Scavanger
Destroy 3 enemy killstreak rewards using Blind Eye
Destroy 80 enemy killstreak rewards using Blind Eye
Paint 15 enemies using Recon.
Paint 750 enemies using Recon
Get 10 killstreaks while using Hardline
Get 500 killstreaks while using Hardline
Get 2 kills while enemy UAV is up and using Assassin
Get 100 kills while enemy UAV is up and using Assassin
Get 10 kills within a few seconds of aiming down your sights while using Quickdraw
Get 500 Kills within a few seconds of aiming down your sights using Quickdraw
>Get 15 kills with your second primary weapon
ClassifiedGet 750 kills with your second primary weapon using Overkil
Survive 2 explosions while using Blast Shield
Survive 100 explosions while using Blast Shield
Destroy 5 enemy devices while using SitRep
Destroy 250 enemy devices while using SitRep
Get 5 kills while holding breath and using Marksman
Get 250 kills while holding breath and using Marksman
Get 15 hipfire kills using Steady Aim
Get 750 hipfire kills using Steady Aim
Get 5 close range kills using Dead Silence
Get 250 close range kills using Dead Silence
Get 15 kills while aiming down sights and using Stalker
Get 750 kills while aiming down sights and using Stalker

Call in 30 Assault UAV's
ClassifiedCall in 30 Care Packages
Call in 30 Predator Missiles
Call in 30 Precision Airstrikes
Call in 30 Attack Helicopters
Call in 15 AH-6 Overwatches
Call in 30 Counter-UAVs
Call in 30 Ballistic Vests
Call in 30 Airdrop Traps
ClassifiedCall in 30 SAM Turrets
ClassifiedCall in 30 Recon Drones
Call in 30 Advanced UAVs
ClassifiedCall in 30 Remote Sentry Guns
Call in 15 Stealth Bombers
Call in 15 EMPs
ClassifiedCall in 15 Juggernaught Recons
ClassifiedCall in 15 Escort Airdrops.
Kill 30 players with a Throwing Knife
Kill 30 enemies with Bouncing Betties
Kill 30 enemies using a Claymore
ClassifiedKill 30 enemies by using C4
Flash 50 enemies
ClassifiedStun 50 enemies
ClassifiedEMP 50 enemies
Get 1000 Kills with "Type 95 "
Get 1000 kills with this weapon (ACR 6.8)
Get 1000 kills with this weapon (Scar-L)
Get 1000 kills with this weapon (M4A1)
Get 1000 kills with this weapon (G36C)

2 comentários:

Anônimo disse...


Anima Games disse...

faça 1 prestige lol

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